
契約書などフォーマルな書類で「he or she」が使用されることもありますが、一般的には「単数のthey」が使用されます。

Anyone can participate in the event even if he or she didn’t apply beforehand.

Anyone can participate in the event even if they didn’t apply beforehand.

また、所有形容詞に関しては、一般的に「his or her」の代わりに「their」が使用されます。

Someone forgot his or her umbrella.

Someone forgot their umbrella.

尚、再帰代名詞に関しては、一般的に「himself or herself」の代わりに「themselves」が使用されます。

Everyone is expected to cook for himself or herself.

Everyone is expected to cook for themselves.




If a student wants a good grade, he has to study hard. ◯

また、代名詞として「they」を使用してしまうと「a student(単数)」と「they(複数)」の間の数が一致しなくなってしまいます。

If a student wants a good grade, they have to study hard. X

「He」の代わりに「he or she」を使用することも文法的には可能ですが、読みづらくなりますので、避けた方が良いでしょう。

If a student wants a good grade, he or she has to study hard. △


If a student wants a good grade, his effort is important. ◯

If a student wants a good grade, their effort is important.  X

If a student wants a good grade, his or her effort is important.  △

参考:AP Style
