「He has to wash the dishes, rinse the dishes and dry the dishes」の中で繰り返して使用されている「the dishes」を省略することは可能ですか?


He has to wash the dishes, rinse the dishes and dry the dishes.

He has to wash, rinse and dry the dishes. ◯


He has to go home, do his homework and clean his room. ◯

関連リンク:「he likes to eat, drink and talk」と「he likes to eat, to drink and to talk」、どちらが正しいですか?

「he likes to eat, drink and talk」と「he likes to eat, to drink and to talk」、どちらが正しいですか?


He likes to eat, drink and talk. ◯

He likes to eat, to drink and to talk. ◯


He likes to eat, to drink and talk. X

He likes to eat, drink and to talk. X

関連リンク:「He has a computer, smartphone and tablet」と「He has a computer, a smartphone and a tablet」、どちらが正しいですか?

「He has a computer, smartphone and tablet」と「He has a computer, a smartphone and a tablet」、どちらが正しいですか?


He has a computer, smartphone and tablet. ◯

He has a computer, a smartphone and a tablet. ◯



He has a computer, smartphone and a tablet. X

He has a computer, a smartphone and tablet. X

関連リンク:「もう一つ(の)」といいたい場合、「another」と「an another」、どちらが正しいですか?