If a student wants a good grade, he has to study hard. ◯
また、代名詞として「they」を使用してしまうと「a student(単数)」と「they(複数)」の間の数が一致しなくなってしまいます。
If a student wants a good grade, they have to study hard. X
「He」の代わりに「he or she」を使用することも文法的には可能ですが、読みづらくなりますので、避けた方が良いでしょう。
If a student wants a good grade, he or she has to study hard. △
If a student wants a good grade, his effort is important. ◯
If a student wants a good grade, their effort is important. X
If a student wants a good grade, his or her effort is important. △
参考:AP Style